The FreeBSD Project
- FreeBSD is an advanced operating system continually developed and supported by a large community for more than thirty years. It is one of the largest and oldest open-source projects.
- As a committer with doc commit privileges, I am actively learning to write and maintain high-quality code for the project, and committing to all 3 repositories (src, ports, doc). Also, I am currently leading the FreeBSD Simplified Chinese Documentation Project.
- Mk Check out my Wiki
Project Developer
UW Blueprint
- Blueprint is a group of students at the University of Waterloo dedicated to building and promoting technology for social good. We partner with non-profits to provide technology services free of charge.
- As a Project Developer on the Water Festival team, we used React Native and Ruby to build a cross-platform mobile app for the annual educational event - Waterloo Wellington Children's Groundwater Festival.
- Meet the alumni Read about the project