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FreeBSD Past Events

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Countries and regions displayed in dark red on the map below are hosting upcoming FreeBSD-related events. Countries that have hosted FreeBSD-related events in the past show up in yellow or orange, with darker colors representing a larger number of previous events.

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������ 2007

  • MeetBSD 2007, Centrum Konferencyjno-Kongresowe PWSBiA, Warsaw, ������
    17 - 18 ������, 2007
    The fourth annual MeetBSD conference will be held in Poland to bring together BSD experts from around Europe. Several FreeBSD developers will be presenting on FreeBSD topics.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search, YouTube.

  • come2linux - LinuxTage in Essen, Universit"at Duisburg-Essen, Glas-Pavilion, Essen, ��������
    10 - 11 ������, 2007
    Linuxtage in Essen is a two day event on Linux and Free Software in general. There will be workshops, talks, a theme park and room for various projects to present themselves. FreeBSD as well as nearly all other BSDs (OpenBSD, NetBSD, DesktopBSD, PC-BSD, MirBSD) will be present with a booth as well as several talks and installation workshops held by the new project

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • COSCUP 2007 - Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters, Techonology Building 2F, National Science Council, Taipei, �������
    3 - 4 ������, 2007
    COSCUP 2007 is a joint conference of ICOS (International Conference on Open Source), to make the open source carnival more exciting. The mostly change of COSCUP in 2007 is, the conference is co-organized by all local communities in Taiwan, we hope to enlarge the participation of local communities during such kind of cooperation. Just like the spirit of COSCUP, in this conference, you can be both attendee and promoter, and also involve the operation of the conference. The major topics in COSCUP 2007 including web-based platform and embedded system due to the popularity of Web 2.0 and OLPC; the Chinese session, Lightning Talk and System session are the most interesting topics for years. There will be some presentations and talks about FreeBSD. The program is attractive just like before, we invite not only big ones in the community but also developers of non-famous local OSS projects, to get more people involved and make OSS more brilliant in Taiwan.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

������� 2007

  • Systems 2007, Messe M"unchen, Munich, ��������
    23 - 27 �������, 2007
    Systems is a four day IT fair with more than 50000 visitors and 1200 exhibitors. FreeBSD will have a booth as well as the other majour BSDs and will try to repeat the great succes in 2006. There will be an Open Source conference with workshops, talks and a theme park for various projects.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • BSDConTR 2007, Sultanahmet Campus Marmara University, Istanbul, ������
    19 - 20 �������, 2007
    BSDConTR is the first conference on BSD systems in Turkey. The conference is organized in full cooperation with the EnderUNIX Software Development Team, which is largely known for its ongoing support for BSD systems in Turkey and its open source projects, and Marmara University. Join the developers, users, BSD system admins and companies in Istanbul to share experiences and knowledge about BSD Systems.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • I F'orum Software Livre, Faculdade de Ci^encias da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, ����������
    12 - 13 �������, 2007
    I F'orum Software Livre is a two day conference on Free Software and Open Source, taking place in Lisbon. There will be some presentations and talks about FreeBSD.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • Course: Building and Running an Open Source Community, UC Extension San Francisco: Room 216, South of Market Center, San Francisco, ���
    3 �������, 2007
    The BSD community started at UC Berkeley in the late 1970's. Through the 1980's, the BSD software was developed and released from Berkeley. In 1992, Berkeley made its final release, 4.4BSD-Lite, an open-source version of BSD. Since that time, independent development has continued by the FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Darwin, and Dragonfly projects. This talk traces the history and structure of the BSD community from its start as a small group of paid staff at Berkeley up through the thousands of volunteer developers that make up the FreeBSD Project of today. It describes how the development structure set up at Berkeley was expanded to create a self-organizing project that supports an ever growing and changing group of developers around the world.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

�������� 2007

  • Course: FreeBSD Kernel Internals, UC Extension Berkeley: Room 211, Golden Bear Building, Berkeley, ���
    29 �������� - 3 ������, 2007
    This course will provide a firm background in the FreeBSD kernel. The course will cover basic kernel services, process structure, the FreeBSD jail facility for hosting virtual machines, scheduling, signal handling, and virtual and physical memory management. The kernel I/O structure will be described showing how I/O is multiplexed, special devices are handled, character processing is performed, and the buffer pool is managed. The implementation of the filesystem and its capabilities, including soft updates and snapshots, will be described. The filesystem interface will then be described to show how it can be used to support multiple filesystem types such as Sun Microsystem's Network File System (NFS). The course will also cover the FreeBSD socket-based network architecture, layering, and implementation. Socket communications primitives and internal layering will be discussed, with emphasis on the interfaces between layers; the TCP/IP implementation will be used as an example. A discussion of routing issues will be included. Other system-related topics include performance measurement, system tuning, and security issues. The presentations will emphasize code organization, data structure navigation, and algorithms. It will not cover machine-specific parts of the system, such as device drivers. Saturdays September 29, October 6 and 27, and November 3, 2007; 9:00AM to 5:30PM Sept. 29 to Nov. 3: Sat., 9 am-5:30 pm (no meetings Oct. 13 and Oct. 20).

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • Course: A Narrative History of BSD, UC Extension San Francisco: Room 216, South of Market Center, San Francisco, ���
    26 ��������, 2007
    Learn the history of the BSD (Berkeley Software Distributions) from one of its key developers, who brings the history to life, complete with anecdotes and footnotes to the historical narrative. The BSD community began at the UC Berkeley in the late 1970s. You'll hear about the triumphs and defeats of the project and its releases during its heyday in the 1980s. The Berkeley era concludes with the tumultuous lawsuit, ultimately settled in Berkeley's favor, which allowed the final release in 1992 of 4.4BSD-Lite, an open-source version of BSD. The talk includes a brief commentary on the FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Darwin, and Dragonfly projects that took their genesis from the release of 4.4BSD-Lite.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • OpenExpo 2007, Event550 Hall, Zurich, ���������
    19 - 20 ��������, 2007
    The goal of OpenExpo is the promotion of Open Source software in the business environment. Among many others, there will be a FreeBSD booth.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • EuroBSDCon 2007, Symbion Science Park, Copenhagen, �����
    14 - 15 ��������, 2007
    The sixth annual European BSD Conference. It is oriented to developers and users of all BSD flavors, including FreeBSD of course. A variety of full and half-day tutorials will precede the conference.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

������ 2007

  • FrOSCon 2007, Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin, ��������
    25 - 26 ������, 2007
    FrOSCon is a two day conference on Free Software and Open Source, taking place in Sankt Augustin near the cities of Bonn and Cologne. The conference revolves around a rich schedule of talks, highlighting current topics in Free Software and Open Source.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

���� 2007

  • CoSin 2007, Kulturzentrum Bremgarten (KuZeB), Aargau, ���������
    6 - 8 ����, 2007
    CoSin is a three day conference on Open Source and various other topics taking place in the Kulturzentrum Bremgarten near Zurich. There will be a FreeBSD booth as well as other BSDs.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

���� 2007

  • LT Pact 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, ���
    20 - 22 ����, 2007
    LT Pact is a two day web hosting conference in Las Vegas, Nevada being presented by Layered Technologies. The conference features talks and panels that focus on web hosting and technologies in use by large hosting companies. There will be a FreeBSD lab session during the conference and plenty of FreeBSD gear.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

��� 2007

  • LinuxTag 2007, Messe Berlin, Berlin, ��������
    30 ��� - 2 ����, 2007
    LinuxTag is Europe's largest event about Free Software, Linux and Open Source. This year there will be the traditional FreeBSD booth and several BSD talks.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • BSDCan 2007, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ������
    18 - 19 ���, 2007
    BSDCan - ��� ����������� ������������� � ������� ����������� �� ��������� ����������, ����������������� ������� � ����������� � ���������� ����. �� ��� ����� ������������ ���������������� ���������������� �������, � ������� ������������ ������������ ��� ���������� ������������ �����������, ��� � ������������ ���������.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • Unix and Linux Day 2007, FH Kaiserslautern, Site Zweibr"ucken, Zweibr"ucken, ��������
    5 ���, 2007
    Among others, there will be a talk about FreeBSD by Alexander Leidinger.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

���� 2007

  • Augsburger Linux-Infotag 2007, FH Augsburg, Augsburg, ��������
    24 ����, 2007
    The Augsburger Linux-Infotag offers two parallel tracks of talks to show the capabilities of free and open source software. There will be several talks about FreeBSD as well as a FreeBSD booth.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • AsiaBSDCon 2007, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, ������
    8 - 11 ����, 2007
    AsiaBSDCon is a conference for users and developers on BSD based systems. The conference is for anyone developing, deploying and using systems based on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, Darwin and MacOS X. AsiaBSDCon is a technical conference and aims to collect the best technical papers and presentations available to ensure that the latest developments in our open source community are shared with the widest possible audience.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • Linuxtage Chemnitz 2007, Technical University Chemnitz, Chemnitz, ��������
    3 - 4 ����, 2007
    Linuxtage Chemnitz is a two day event on Linux and Free Software in general. There will be workshops, talks and room for various projects to present themselves. FreeBSD will be present with a booth as well as several talks.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

������� 2007

  • FOSDEM 2007, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, �������
    24 - 25 �������, 2007
    A 2-day event to promote the widespread use of Free and Open Source software. Several BSD developers, including FreeBSD developers, will be present.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

  • SCALE: Southern California Linux Expo 2007, The Westin Los Angeles Airport, Los Angeles, California, ���
    10 - 11 �������, 2007
    The fifth Southern California Linux Expo will have an exhibition booth on FreeBSD. A computer will be available and CDROMs provided by FreeBSD Mall will be handed out.

    Social links: Flickr, Blog Search.

Current Events

Events from past years: