FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE Installation Instructions

The FreeBSD Project

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Last modified on 2020-05-11 15:11:08 EDT by gjb.

This article gives some brief instructions on installing FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE and upgrading the systems running earlier releases.

Table of Contents
1. Installing FreeBSD
2. Upgrading FreeBSD
2.1. Upgrading from Source
2.2. Upgrading Using FreeBSD Update

1.�Installing FreeBSD

The Installing FreeBSD chapter of the FreeBSD Handbook provides more in-depth information about the installation program itself, including a guided walk-through with screenshots.

2.�Upgrading FreeBSD

If you are upgrading from a previous release of FreeBSD, please read upgrading section in the Release Notes for notable incompatibilities carefully.

2.1.�Upgrading from Source

The procedure for doing a source code based update is described in and .

For SVN use the releng/11.4 branch which will be where any upcoming Security Advisories or Errata Notices will be applied.

2.2.�Upgrading Using FreeBSD Update

The freebsd-update(8) utility supports binary upgrades of i386 and amd64 systems running earlier FreeBSD releases. Systems running 11.3-RELEASE can upgrade as follows:

# freebsd-update fetch
# freebsd-update install

Now the freebsd-update(8) utility can fetch bits belonging to 11.4-RELEASE. During this process freebsd-update(8) will ask for help in merging configuration files.

# freebsd-update upgrade -r 11.4-RELEASE
# freebsd-update install

The system must now be rebooted with the newly installed kernel before the non-kernel components are updated.

# shutdown -r now

After rebooting, freebsd-update(8) needs to be run again to install the new userland components:

# freebsd-update install

At this point, users of systems being upgraded from earlier FreeBSD releases will be prompted by freebsd-update(8) to rebuild all third-party applications (e.g., ports installed from the ports tree) due to updates in system libraries.

After updating installed third-party applications (and again, only if freebsd-update(8) printed a message indicating that this was necessary), run freebsd-update(8) again so that it can delete the old (no longer used) system libraries:

# freebsd-update install

Finally, reboot into 11.4-RELEASE

# shutdown -r now

This file, and other release-related documents, can be downloaded from

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